The Mishpacha Shul
Founded in 1963 as North Woodmere's First Orthodox Ashkenazic Shul

The Center of
North Woodmere
Jewish Life

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Welcome, and thank you for visiting Congregation Ohr Torah on line. For over 57 years, our Shul has been the center of Jewish life in North Woodmere.
To help support our lavish kiddushim, please contact our office.
Thank you.
Shacharis, Mincha, and Maariv services are held in both the Ashkenazic and Sephardic traditions.
Both have a lavish Shabbos kiddush. Contact the office for more information.

Call our office at 516 791-2130 for membership information.
Thank you
All photographs of Congregation Ohr Torah and Ohr Torah logo copyright Carl B. Maltzman and used with permission.
All rights reserved and may be used only with permission of the copyright holder.